National Eye Health Week is from the 22nd of September to the 28th of September 2015.
Research undertaken on behalf of the College of Optometrists reveals that 68% of people value their eyesight as their most important sense, yet 36% of people admit to ignoring problems with their eyes for over a month, putting off visiting an optician and a further 13% of people will put it off for years before seeking help, even if they have noticed deterioration of their eyesight. These findings also reveal that 54% of people sometimes struggle to see their television screens and a further 50% find it difficult to read books.
It is recommended that you have your eyes checked every two years by an optometrist, though this can vary depending on your age and if you have a family history of eye conditions. If you have a child who is under 18, they are entitled to a free eye test from the NHS. You are also entitled to free eye care if you are over 60, registered blind or partially sighted, have been diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma (or a close family member has been diagnosed with glaucoma). People in receipt of benefits such as pension credit, jobseeker’s allowance or universal credit can also receive free eye tests and a voucher to help cover the cost of glasses or contact lenses.
Despite the NHS providing this service, more than 1 in 10 people have never had their eyes tested and are potentially ignoring eye conditions that could cause deterioration of their vision.
IntelliSight Opticians gladly welcome NHS patients and encourage anybody who has had any problems with their eyesight to drop in and book an eye test with us. We also offer a “2 for 1 for anyone” special, which allows you to get two pairs of glasses for yourself or one for yourself and another for a friend or family member. Our range of spectacles start from as low as £24 and we offer a wide range for men, women and children, including some top designer name brands.