Tomatoes over carrots and itchy eye solutions – Top tips from ‘National Eye Health Week’

Julie Breen

As anyone who follows us on social media (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!) will know, last week was National Eye Health Week, bringing with it a fab week full of updates, games and information all aimed at helping people keep their eyes in tip top shape!

In case you missed out on any, please check out our quick catch-up guide to help keep your eyes happy and healthy!

Monday – Importance of eye tests

You may think sight tests are simply a pre-cursor to glasses and contact lenses but they serve a much bigger purpose. Eye tests can detect a wide range of common eye conditions; from high blood pressure to raised cholesterol to diabetes and stroke risks.

On average, most people will need their eyes checking every two years but in some cases we may need you to come in more frequently, particularly if you are diabetic, over 70 or have a family history of glaucoma.

The good news is you may also qualify for a free eye test! To find out more download or give us a call on 01642 450 982.

Tuesday – Eye care for all ages

From keeping children’s eyes healthy with regular checks and plenty of fresh air (guidelines recommend at least an hour outside a day) to check-ups for the over-60s to help maintain healthy eyes.

Check out more information from the two following leaflets:

Wednesday – Glaucoma

Leading on nicely from eye care for all ages was a theme related to one of the most common eye complaints for over-60s. Glaucoma is a condition that affects peripheral vision, increasing pressure inside the eye and on the optical nerve.

Although it can strike at any age, it is most common in the over-70s and can lead to sight loss if left untreated. Early warning symptoms can be mild so it is very important to get regular check-ups. Find out more at

Thursday – Being screen smart

From office life to smart phones and tablets, many of us are spending large portions of our day sat in front of a screen. Whilst screen time might be a necessary part of life, it is important to recognise the toll all this time can take on your eye health.

Itchy, sore eyes, blurring, headaches and trouble accurately perceiving colours are all issues that can be caused by not taking regular breaks. To be ‘screen smart’ try following the 20-20-20 rule – look away from your screen every 20 minutes, for at least 20 seconds, at an object 20 feet away!

Find out more at  or pop instore and ask out team about eye drops that may help for those days when screen-sitting is inevitable!

Friday – UV Protection

With summer over it’s time to put away the sunnies and forget about UV protection for another 6 months yes? Well…Not exactly!

Whilst it may feel weaker and be less frequent, autumnal sun can expose you to just as much danger of cataracts and AMD as any day summer can throw at you, if not more, thanks for the trajectory of the rays when the sun is down low.

To check if you need to be UV aware simply take the shadow test! If your shadow is shorter than you, you need to take steps to protect yourself – hats, glasses and, of course, UV protective lenses! Find out more at and check out our in-store sale for 40% off sunglasses suitable for anything Autumn can throw at you.

Saturday – Nutrition and the eye

Aha – remember our sneaky live Friday Facebook video on this topic? If you missed it, including the infamous carrot toss, check it out here!

While we hate to burst the bubbles about eating carrots to see in the dark (although they are very healthy, it’s a myth) there are a number of yummy foods that can aid eye health; they include oranges, oily fish, any leafy greens such as spinach or kale, eggs and tomatoes – which are even better when tinned or turned to puree due to the increase in lycopene!

To find out more download or call in and ask one of our team today!

Sunday – Smoking and sight loss

It is estimated that 1 in 7 adults in the UK still smoke, with each of them breathing in over 4,000 chemicals that can damage blood vessels, interfere with tear production and affect your cornea’s health.

Smoking can also make you four times more likely to suffer Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and put you at risk of developing cataracts, thyroid eye disease and colour vision defects…In other words, smoking and eyes go together as well as fish and mint ice-cream!

Find out more by downloading this leaflet and for help quitting visit