As the dark nights draw in and thoughts turn to cosy jumpers, leaves falling and pumpkin-spiced everything, we’re here with our latest Facebook Live video, featuring a random background extra, and some top tips to help everyone ensure they are being eye-safe in autumn and winter.
First up – do you suffer from headaches going to the cinema? Of course, it could be down to the special effects or increasingly complicated plots, but for the most part those headaches are down to the severe contrast between the light of the screen and the dark of the theatre. The same can apply to TV screens and tablets in the darker nights as the difference between the room and the big-screen TVs can increase what is commonly known as ‘contrast glare’ and is a leading contributor to bad heads.
Luckily the solution is fairly easy, simply ensure the room is lit up (don’t worry we’re not talking our testing room levels of light!) The closer you can get the light in the room to resemble the brightness of the TV the less you run the risk of headaches happening.
Of course, if headaches are happening on a regular basis it is always worth getting checked with a medical professional.
Noticed your eyes are generally worse in winter? There’s nothing to worry about, in fact it’s simply your eyes reacting to the natural light changes and could be an indication that you require some form of reading glasses. If this sounds a bit like you feel free to pop in-store and we’ll help you get to the bottom of it.
Finally, we also talked driving in the dark, anti-reflection treatments and the best sunglasses for ski-ing and why they matter come winter!
As you can see another jam-packed video. If you have a topic you’d like us to cover in future, please feel free to drop us a line or follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or now YouTube – thanks as always to all our viewers and we always look forward to seeing you, just look for the black and orange store 😊